Welcome to Seymour Evangelical Baptist Church!

We are a family of Christ-following believers from around the Valley (and beyond) committed to loving and serving Jesus. Our mission is to help people know Him as they grow in the knowledge and grace of the message of the Gospel.

Whether you're checking us out for the first time, in the market for a place to call your church home, or just looking to worship this weekend with a nearby Bible-believing fellowship, we are glad to have you with us, and would be delighted to see you!

If you'd like to know more, join us after Sunday service where we have a wonderful fellowship time with light refreshments. Here you can get a hot cup of "Joe", something to go with it, and the chance to meet and fellowship with like-minded believers who call SEBC their spiritual home.

Thanks for checking us out; we hope to see you on Sunday!

Visiting What We Believe